Welcome to Friends of The East Fork! We are a non-profit 501C-3 group dedicated to the improvement of river habitat, good land stewardship, and restoration of The East Fork Lewis River.
The East Fork Lewis River, one of the last free-flowing rivers in SW Washington, is in trouble! Over the last 150 years the river has been stripped of it’s old growth timber, burnt over by the Yacolt fires, and severely degraded by gravel mining. It’s wild fish have been over harvested almost to extinction. Development crowds it’s banks and riparian areas. The East Fork’s wild salmon and steelhead suffer from high water temperatures, lack of cool ground water, recharged pools, and cover. It’s spawning redds have been destroyed by silt. NOW is the time for us to WORK TOGETHER TO BRING THE EAST FORK BACK!
The East Fork Lewis River is a free-flowing stream in SW Washington near Vancouver. The East Fork begins up in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and travels down through Clark County connecting with the main Lewis River near Woodland, Washington. The Lewis River is part of the Columbia River System and is home to steelhead, coho, chum, and chinook salmon.
The main Lewis River, sometimes called the North Fork Lewis River, starts in the Cascade Mountains 75 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon. It flows through Gifford Pinchot National Forest passing south of Mount St. Helens. It enters the Columbia River approximately 15 miles north of Vancouver, Washington.
Updates & Project Info
Swanson-Powerline Bend Project Implementation Update
LOWER EAST FORK LEWIS RIVER PHASE-1 Nov. 2016 INTRODUCTION: The East Fork Lewis River is an irreplaceable asset to the people of Clark County, WA. It provides a wide range of diverse kinds of enjoyment to
Dick Dyrland Honored by American Fisheries Society for Habitat Work
By The Columbian Published: September 1, 2016 Read full article here. See nomination here (PDF). Dick Dyrland of Ridgefield, a long-time watershed restoration activist in Southwest Washington, was awarded the Presidents' Fishery Conservation Award at
Collective of Land Use Geeks, Vets, Anglers Repair River For Fish
With the ludicousness of the 6th Floor, we've stepped away dear Friends to take a look at the good going on around the County. We traveled up-stream to find a group of people on the job
Salmon & Steelhead now Appearing in Lower East Fork
Some members of Friends of the East Fork have been walking the banks of the lower East Fork to see if there are any salmon or steelhead fry and also juveniles left after the impacts of
East Fork – Unusual Summer Expected
Last December 2015 we had a large flood (approximately 50 yr.) that recorded over 20,000 cfs. at the 80 year old Heission Gage north of Battle Ground. Since then it has been followed on into the
Collaborative Help from Friends of East Fork & Salmon Creek Flyfishers/Healing Waters Veterans Group
ANOTHER COLLABORATIVE STREAM PROJECT SHOWS GOOD RESULTS! Collaborative help from Friends of the East Fork and the Salmon Creek Fly-Fishes/Healing Waters Veterans Group is utilized to work on improving existing fish habitat projects and to implement